
Neighbour Joe - August 2019 Net Worth

Here is the net worth update for August 2019. The market is very volatile this year, which has caused my net worth to fluctuated quite drastically on month by month basis. Overall, my monthly employment income is still the most significant contributor to my net worth increase. I have also started tracking my rental property in my net worth. I've had the property for a year now but never got around to putting it into my spreadsheet. The rental property is a partnership between my parents and me. They didn't have the income to qualify for a mortgage, so I took on the debt while they put down the equity. Cost and profit are shared accordingly.

Chequing: $1,498.38
Savings: $1,210.48
TFSA Investment: $93,360.57(Market Value)
RESP: $2,776.01 (Market Value)
*Real Estate: $224,000 (Purchase Price of my house)

NEW*Real Estate Rental Property: $200,000 (Purchase Price of the house)
*Define Benefit Work Pension (Transfer Value): ~$153,000 (Last checked in Jul 2017,aprox $1000 a month of contribution)

*These have not been updated since the start of this blog.
**Automobile is not included (No monthly car payment)

Mortgage: $120,769.98

NEW Rental Mortgage: $196,533.81

*Credit Card is paid in full every month

Last Net Worth Update: $355,996.77
Current Net Worth: $359,147.97 (+0.89%)

Passive Income
Current Passive Income: $3,267.33/Year or $272.28/Month (TFSA only, RESP and rental property not included)

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