Here is my latest and greatest net-worth update.
Chequing: $1,669
TFSA Investment: $78,528 (Market Value)
RESP:$1050 (Market Value)
Real Estate: $224,000 (Purchase Price of my house)
Define Benefit Work Pension (Transfer Value): ~$153,000 (Last checked in Jul 2017,aprox $1000 a month of contribution)
*Automobile is not included (No monthly car payment)
Mortgage: $122,113
*Credit Card is paid in full every month
Last Net Worth Update: $330,549
Current Net Worth: $336,139
A year ago, I posted my net worth updates, my net worth at that time was $309,498.04. Therefore in a year, I was able to increase my net worth by $26,641 which translate to about an 8% increases. Not a significant increase but still an increase regardless.